Los drivers de Hyper-V 2008 R2 para Linux (Linux Integration Services v2.1) estan disponibles desde finales de Julio de 2010 en la web de Microsoft. En el artículo que los referenciaba ponía que eran una beta, pero yo no veo que sea beta por ninguna parte.
Descarga Linux Integration Services 2.1 para Hyper-V
Download Linux Integration Services 2.1 for Hyper-V
Release notes de la descarga:
Driver support for synthetic devices: The Linux integration components include support for both the synthetic network controller and synthetic storage controller that have been developed specifically for Hyper-V. These components take advantage of the new high-speed bus, VMBus, which was developed for Hyper-V.
Fastpath Boot Support: Boot devices now take advantage of the storage VSC to provide enhanced performance.
Timesync: The clock inside the virtual machine will remain synchronized with the clock on the host.
Integrated Shutdown: Virtual machines running Linux can be shut down from either Hyper-V Manager or System Center Virtual Machine Manager, using the “Shut Down” command.
Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP) Support: Supported Linux distributions can use up to 4 virtual processors (VP) per virtual machine.
Heartbeat: Allows the host to detect whether the guest is running and responsive.
Pluggable Time Source: A pluggable clock source module is included to provide a more accurate time source to the guest.